Referencing application of more than 4000 canyons for canyoning practice all over the world.
Simple classification of canyons by color. Find all the essential information for each canyon:
• Quotation
• Maximum waterfall height
• Comments from the last people who made the descent
• Information on access and the nature of the descent
• Map and GPS position of car parks, departures, etc.
• Professionals roaming the canyon and offering their services
Find the canyon and canyoning professionals near you or your vacation spot.
For more experienced Canyoners, create new canyons, add the topography of the canyons and comments on each canyon made.
Application translated into 4 languages (French, English, Spanish and Italian).
In a future version, addition of favorite canyons and photographs.
Most of Data of this App come from, don't hesitate to visit this website, check comments and buy some books.